Educating and empowering the masses with an understanding of the law via our YouTube show, Music, and Written Composition.

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Educating and empower the masses with an understanding of the law

As attorneys and educators, we realize how hard it is to educate our people in lower income communities through traditional means such as in classrooms, lectures, and online seminars. Additionally, most shows on television that combine entertainment and law are typically overly dramatized, unrealistic, or depressing. Either it's a “Law and Order” type of show or a documentary about someone who was wrongfully convicted or about how someone got away with murder. These shows are not always accurate or realistic enough to be used as a way to teach people how the law applies to their everyday lives. Additionally, the roles of attorneys or judges in these shows are rarely played by minorities and thus, do not include characters that look like the demographic we represent or teach as attorneys, educators and mentors.

Attorneys with Swag takes a completely different approach. Using what we call our “Three Pillars of Understanding,” we are able to take a typically dry foreign topic like the law and combine realism, diversity, education and entertainment all in one discussion-based setting to educate and empower our audience.

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